The self-measurement of blood pressure (BP) at home is useful in predicting the level of target organ damage and in managing hypertension. Nurses are essential practitioners for managing hypertension; however, it is unclear whether they have adequate knowledge of home BP management. This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of home BP measurement among Japanese nurses. A questionnaire regarding home BP measurement was distributed among nurses and collected by mail. A total of 6,002 (61.8%) responses were eligible for the study. The proportion of participants who correctly recognized the reference values for clinic BP and home BP was 9.9% and 2.8%. Midwives and those working for the government had the highest proportion of correct responses of reference values among all nursing subgroups. Participants who thought that home BP gave the most important BP information were 62.7%. About 60% of the participants who recommended home BP measurement to hypertensive patients preferred to recommend an upper-arm cuff device. Our findings suggested that more knowledge of home BP measurement among nurses is warranted.(家庭血圧測定についての看護職者の知識、態度、実践について、宮城県内の看護職者6002名から得られた質問紙の回答より明らかにした。外来随時血圧と家庭血圧の基準値を回答できたのはそれぞれ9.9%、2.8y%であった。助産師と役所に勤務する者はほかに比べ正しく回答できる割合が多かった。)
Mami Ishikuro
Sergio Ramón Gutiérrez Ubeda
Taku Obara
Ikue Watanabe
Hirohito Metoki
Masahiro Kikuya
Shinichi Kuriyama
Ryoko Maruyama
Takayoshi Ohkubo
Yutaka Imai