In this study, we reported a new crossmodal effect: that a short noise burst releases MIB. In Experiment 1, the burst was presented on the same or the opposite position of the target immediately after MIB was reported by the participants. The results showed that the target which disappeared in MIB reappeared soon after the presentation of the burst at the same position as the target. In Experiment 2, we elucidated that the reappearance of the target started approximately 400 ms after the burst presentation. In Experiment 3, the bursts were randomly presented for the 30-second stimulus period. The results showed that the disappearance duration of the target was shorter in the burst condition than that in the no-burst condition. These results clearly indicate that abrupt auditory stimuli shorten the duration of reactivating a visual target when the audio-visual stimulation spatially corresponds. (本研究では、運動誘発盲において消失した視覚刺激が聴覚刺激の呈示によって再び現れて見えるという現象は、視覚刺激と聴覚刺激の呈示位置が一致している場合に、聴覚刺激の呈示後400ミリ秒たって生じ始めることが明らかにされた。)
総p.2, 29(1), pp.85-86
Michiaki Shibata, Yousuke Kawachi, Satoshi Yairi, Yukio Iwaya, Jiro Gyoba, Yôiti Suzuki