The aim of this study was to clarify the psychological processes of those who had experienced trauma in the GEJE, through qualitative analysis of our activities. We provided victims and their supporters with outreach services, private consultations, group psychotherapy, and psychoeducation programs once-a-month or more. In total, over 2000 people participated in our programs, including authors, graduate and undergraduate students, nursery nurses, and school teachers. When we started the programs, some participants could not talk about their experiences with other participants; however, over time, they began to share their experiences and improved their mental health. We discuss the importance of sharing traumatic experiences with others, and psychoeducation regarding post-traumatic stress disorder.(これまで、著者らは東日本大震災の被災者とその支援者にアウトリーチ型の研修会、個人別相談、心理教育プログラムなどを提供してきた。これらの参加者のエピソードを質的に分析すると、最初はフラシュバックなどの症状を訴えていた参加者も、時間の経過とともに、参加者同士で被災経験を共有し始め、やがて精神的健康が回復しだすというプロセスが示された。)
Michiaki Shibata, Mikio Hirano, Kazuki Nishiura, Tomoaki Adachi