We investigated whether perceiving depth from a motion-parallax stimulus enhances the predominance of that stimulus in binocular rivalry. A horizontally moving random-dot motion-parallax stimulus was presented to one eye and a vertically moving non-motion-parallax stimulus was presented to the other eye. The horizontally moving stimulus was ecologically valid as a motion-parallax stimulus since its direction of motion on the retina was consistent with the observer’s lateral head movements. On the other hand, the vertically moving stimulus was ecologically invalid since its direction of motion was inconsistent with the head movements. In the experimental condition, observers viewed these rival stimuli while moving their heads laterally back and forth; each stimulus motion was yoked to the observers’ head movements. In the control condition, observers viewed the same rival stimuli without head movement. The average duration of seeing the horizontally moving stimuli in the experimental condition was longer than that of the control condition. We conclude that an ecologically valid stimulus for depth perception enhances the predominance of motion-parallax stimuli in binocular rivalry. (本研究では、運動視差刺激から奥行きを知覚すると、両眼視野闘争におけるその刺激の優位性が高まるかどうかを検討した。実験では、水平方向に移動するランダムドット運動視差刺激が一方の眼に呈示され、垂直方向に移動する非運動視差刺激が他方の目に提示された。水平に動く運動視差刺激は、網膜上の運動方向が観察者の頭部運動と一致しており、運動視差刺激が知覚される時間はコントロール条件よりも長くなった。)
Kenzo Sakurai, Michiaki Shibata, Toshio Kubodera, Hiroshi Ono.