Excitotoxic lsion of the ventral hippocampus in neonatal (NVH) rats is considered as a putative model of schizophrenia. We showed a significant increase in specific serotonin transporter and serotonin 2A receptor binding site in the prefrontal cortex of NVH-lesioned animals. (統合失調症病態モデルとしての幼若期腹側海馬破壊ラットの前頭前野において、セロトニントランスポーター、セロトニン2A受容体結合部位の増加が見られたことを報告した。)
Osamu Nakagawasai, Satoru Mitazaki, Hiroshi Onogi, Kenya Watanabe, Koichi Tan-No, et al.