Fourteen healthy male subjects slept from 13:30 to 15:30 under ambient temperature and relative humidity
maintained at 15 C and 60%, respectively. They slept under two conditions: in a sleeping bag on
wooden flooring (Wood) and in a sleeping bag with corrugated cardboard between the bag and the
flooring (CC). Polysomnography, skin temperature (Tsk), microclimate, bed climate, and subjective sensations
were obtained. The number of awakenings in the CC had significantly decreased compared to that
in theWood. The mean, back, and thigh Tsk, and bed climate temperature were significantly higher in the
CC than that in theWood. Subjective thermal sensations were warmer in the CC than in theWood. These
results suggest that using corrugated cardboard under a sleeping bag may reduce cold stress, thereby
decreasing the number of awakenings and increasing subjective warmth; the mean, back, and thigh Tsk;
and bed climate temperature.(寝袋を使用した睡眠中の皮膚温について、段ボール使用有無による比較を行った。)
Okamoto-Mizuno K, Mizuno K, Tanabe M, Niwano K