The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare sleep and skin temperature (Tsk) of preschool children with those of their mothers. The subjects included 18 pairs of preschool children and their mothers. The actigraphic measurement of sleep, Tsk, heart rate, bedroom climate, and the microclimate temperature and humidity (bed climate) were measured. Proximal and distal Tsk, the temperature gradient of distal and proximal Tsk (DPG), and bed climate temperature were significantly lower in the children. Approximately 70% of the children slept without bed covering. Heat dissipation during sleep in preschool children may primarily rely on the proximal Tsk. The lower Tsk than adults, and behavioral thermoregulation, may be important for sleep in preschoolers.(就学前の幼児とその母親(計18組)の睡眠および皮膚温を検討することを目的とした。測定項目は、アクチグラフ、皮膚温、心拍数、寝室の温湿度、寝床内気候とした。皮膚温、末梢部と中枢部の皮膚温の温度差、寝床内温度は、母親より幼児の方が低値を示した。約70%の幼児が掛寝具を剥いで寝ていた。幼児では、睡眠時の放熱は中枢部の皮膚からなされており、行動性の体温調節(掛寝具を剥ぐ)と低い皮膚温が睡眠調節において重要であることが考えられた。)
16(1): 64-78
Okamoto-Mizuno K, Mizuno K, Shirakawa S