

氏名 水野 康
氏名(カナ) ミズノ コウ
氏名(英語) Mizuno Kou
所属 教育学部 教育学科(初等教育専攻)
職名 教授


「Effects of the environment of a simulated shelter in a gymnasium on sleep in children.」(査読有)




Effects of the environment of a simulated shelter in a gymnasium on sleep were investigated in 20 healthy school-aged children. Measurements were obtained during a one-night stay in a school gymnasium during the summer (C). Activity levels were monitored using a wrist actigraph, and temperature and humidity of the bedrooms in the subjects' homes were monitored from 3 days before to 3 days after C. The subjects were asked to provide information regarding subjective sleep estimations and thermal sensations. The results for the days before C (BC), C, the first day after C (A1), and the second day after C (A2) were compared. The bedroom temperature was significantly lower on BC than on the other nights. No significant difference was observed in bedtime, whereas wake-up time was significantly earlier on C and later on A1 than on the other nights. Total sleep time was significantly decreased on C (3.6 h) and increased on A1 when compared to the other nights. Daytime nap was significantly increased on A1 when compared to the other days. Subjective estimation of sleep quality was decreased and sweat sensation before sleep was increased on C when compared to the other nights. The main reason for sleep disturbances on C was heat. These results indicate that the environment of the simulated shelter in the gymnasium severely disturbed sleep in children. The resulting loss of sleep was compensated for by increased nocturnal sleep time and daytime napping on the next day.(健常な児童20名を対象として、夏季に行われた1泊2日の体育館宿泊行事の際の睡眠を避難所の模擬環境とみなして評価した。宿泊時の3日前から3日後まで、腕時計型の活動量計による睡眠評価、寝室の温湿度測定を連続して行った。主観的睡眠評価、睡眠時の温冷感評価も併せて実施した。寝室の室温は、体育館宿泊前が低値を示した。夜間の総睡眠時間は体育館宿泊時に3.6時間と著しく短縮し、その翌日の日中の睡眠が増加、次いで夜間睡眠時間も延長した。睡眠の主観評価も体育館宿泊時には低下し、就寝前の発汗の主観評価が増加していた。以上から、本データ取得では、暑熱により体育館宿泊時の睡眠が障害され、翌日、補償的に睡眠が増加したものと考えられた。)
62(11):2015-2023. doi: 10.1007/s00484-018-1608-1
Okamoto-Mizuno K, Mizuno K, Tanabe M, Niwano K


Int J Biometeorol
