Five healthy young males slept for 8 h at simulated altitudes of 1,500, 3,000, and 4,000 m in the simulator. The results suggested that there was no sleep disturbance up to 3,000 m altitude. Nocturnal sleep at 4,000 m, however, was disturbed after a few hours from sleep onset. (健常男性5人を対象とし、シミュレーターを用いた模擬高度下で8時間の夜間睡眠をとらせた。3000m相当高度までは、睡眠に変化はなかったが、4000m相当高度では、入眠2~3時間後から睡眠が障害された。)
Mizuno K, Asano K, Okudaira N