This cross-sectional study aimed to characterize the physical activity (PA) of older adults with pre-frail status by examining sedentary behavior (SB) and PA using triaxial accelerometer data, with non-frail older adults as the control group. In this study, we divided the study participants into older adults who regularly participated in self-initiated citizen group exercise activities and those who did not. Data were collected between September and December 2017. We analyzed data from 256 older adults (women: 86.3%) aged ≥65 years. The interaction effect of participation status (participation and non-participation group) and frailty status (pre-frail and non-frail group) for moderate-to-vigorous PA (F = 9.178, p = 0.003) and daily mean number of steps (F = 9.351, p = 0.002) was significant. For the participation group, there was no difference between pre-frail older adults and non-frail older adults regarding length of SB and PA time, indicating that PA level was maintained in the participating pre-frail older adults. In contrast, moderate-to-vigorous PA and daily mean number of steps were low in pre-frail older adults who did not participate in the activities. The opportunity to participate in self-initiated group exercise activities and other PAs in the community may help pre-frail older adults maintain their PA. (和文概要)本横断研究は65歳以上の高齢者256人を対象に、地域で行われている住民主体の自主グループ活動への参加による潜在的な影響に着目し、プレフレイル(前虚弱)高齢者の身体活動(PA)の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。結果として、定期的に活動に参加しているプレフレイル高齢者は虚弱でない高齢者と比較して各PAは同程度に維持されていたが、活動に参加していないプレフレイル高齢者では中高強度身体活動と1日の平均歩数が有意に低下していた。地域におけるこれらの活動への参加機会は、プレフレイル高齢者のPAを維持するのに役立つ可能性があることを示した。
Motoaki Takamura , Toshimasa Sone, Takayuki Kawamura, Reiko Suzuki, Nobuaki Moriyama, Seiji Yasumura