

氏名 土谷 昌広
氏名(カナ) ツチヤ マサヒロ
氏名(英語) Tsuchiya Masahiro
所属 健康科学部 保健看護学科
職名 教授


Characterization of interglobular dentin and Tomes' granular layer in dog dentin using electron probe microanalysis in comparison with predentin.




The interglobular dentin (IG) and the Tomes' granular layer (TGL) as well as predentin are hypomineralized regions in dentin. Some previous studies proposed that the IG and the TGL are identical with difference only in size, whereas other suggested that they are distinct structures. In order to characterize their matrix components, the present study was designed to analyze the elements of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) in the IG and the TGL in comparison with predentin using the Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). The TGL was highest in the concentration of both Ca and P among the hypomineralized regions followed by the IG and predentin, whereas predentin was the highest in the concentration of S followed by the IG and the TGL. Alcian blue staining suggested that the S elements identified with the EPMA are incorporated into the sulfated glycosaminoglycan chains of proteoglycans. The present study first demonstrated distinct characteristics of matrix components in the IG and the TGL, i.e., the IG is poorer in mineralization but much richer in a proteoglycan content than the TGL. The IG may originate from predentin because of their analogy, whereas the TGL may follow a different ontogeny.
Tsuchiya M, Sasano Y, Kagayama M, Watanabe M.


Calcif Tissue Int. 68(3).
