基本情報 |
氏名 |
山口 奈緒美 |
氏名(カナ) |
ヤマグチ ナオミ |
氏名(英語) |
Yamaguchi Naomi |
所属 |
教育学部 教育学科(中等教育専攻) |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
「Why Do We Forgive Offenders? Egocentric, Altruistic, and Normative Motives for Interpersonal Forgiveness」(査読あり)
The purpose of this article was to identify the motives for forgiving behavior and to examine effects of interpersonal relationships with offender on the motives. Based on our prior research, we hypothesized that altruistic motives that reflects benevolence and concern for the perpetrator’s welfare would be prompted in the close-relationships and that normative motives, in which a victim feels it is normative to forgive the perpetrator, would be prompted in the non-close relationships. Assuming that we assumed that egocentric motives for forgiveness were not affected by the relationships, we predicted that egocentric motives would encourage a victim to forgive regardless of the level of relationship closeness. To examine these hypotheses we made 280 Japanese participants recall personal episodes in which they were harmed by other person and rate the episodes in terms of forgiving behavior and the motives for forgiveness. The results showed that the level of altruistic, egocentric, and normative motives were higher in the close-relationships than in the non-close relationships, suggesting that our hypotheses were supported partially.
(寛容性を内的寛容性と外的寛容性(寛容行動)の2レベルに区別した上で、どのような動機がそれぞれを高めるのかについて質問紙調査による実証的検討を行った。その際、寛容性を高める動機も利他的動機と利己的動機の2つに区別した。その結果、内的寛容性は利他的動機、外的寛容性は利己的動機と関連することが示された。) pp. 95-102. Naomi TAKADA & Ken-ichi OHBUCHI
Tohoku Psychologica Folia, 63