

氏名 山口 奈緒美
氏名(カナ) ヤマグチ ナオミ
氏名(英語) Yamaguchi Naomi
所属 教育学部 教育学科(中等教育専攻)
職名 准教授


「Escalation of Conflict and Forgiveness: A social Psychological Model of Forgiveness」(査読あり)




Characterizing three types of conflict, we argued that the features of norm conflicts are augmented in the process of escalation. Although researchers have focused on two basic principles of conflict resolution, rationality and fairness/justice, some conflict seems impossible to resolve by these principles. As in the case of “justice crash,” the principle of fairness/justice sometimes escalates conflicts. To resolve these difficult conflicts, forgiveness is necessary as the third principle. Research has found that forgiveness has positive effects on both personal mental health and interpersonal relationships. We postulated a model of psychological processes of forgiveness: It consists of cognitive reappraisal of the situation, intrinsic generous motives (personal beliefs, self-ideal, guilt, and empathy) and extrinsic generous motives (fear of counterattack, relationship maintenance, and group coherence). Our analysis of the reported episodes of being harmed provided evidence for the model. Further, we assumed a set of situational determinants of the cognitive and motivational variables included in the model: Relationship closeness, in-group, apology, and arousal of empathy. Findings of our empirical studies generally supported the predictions regarding the effects of the situational determinants.
pp. 61-71.
Ken-ichi OHBUCHI & Naomi TAKADA


Tohoku Psychologica Folia, 60
