

氏名 山口 政人
氏名(カナ) ヤマグチ マサト
氏名(英語) Yamaguchi Masato
所属 健康科学部 医療経営管理学科
職名 教授






In order for the elderly people to live a healthy and enjoyable life, it is extremely important for them to maintain their physical functions. Recently farm work has been seen as effective in preventive care for elderly people, however, there has been no empirical research on the relationship between farm work and health. The purpose of this experiment is to examine the effects of farm work on mood and physical function of elderly people. This experiment was conducted weekly from September to November, on 9 occasions in the university’s farm. Subjects were nine elderly people (mean age = 69.0±4.8 years) living in the university’s neighborhood. Changes in mood among the test subjects were surveyed on the first and last day of the farm activity program -by using the Two-dimensional Mood Scale-Short Term (TDMS-ST)-; at the same time, measurement of their physical functionality was carried out. On the last day of the program, the subjects were asked to freely describe their feelings regarding the farm work on a questionnaire. Analysis of the TDMS-ST showed that subject’s mood had calmed significantly on the last day of the farm work program in comparison to the first. In addition, their state of comfort had increased significantly. From the description found in the questionnaire, most subjects reported feeling that they would be healthy and happy in continuing the farm work. During the course of the program, half of the elderly people said that their conversations with family and farm colleagues had increased while others stated that the plants and earth relaxed and healed them. It was shown that the mood of these elderly people has improved with two months of farm activity program. When measuring their physical functionality, there was a significant increase in the grip level in both hands of the test subjects and it was shown that their functional reach tended to increase. These results show that farm work increased elderly people’s grip level, and improved their sense of physical balance. These results suggest that farm work has a positive effect on health promotion in elderly people.
山口 政人、大竹 榮、渡邉 誠、坪川 宏、松本 祥子、曽根 稔雅、柿沼 利弘、金 義信、中林 稔晴


